【同义词辨析】 2018-12-12 决定conclusive-definitive

conclusive: applies to reasoning or logical proof that puts an end to debate or questioning: ~ evidence of criminal guilt.  逻辑logic是基础词,有3个属性,1有顺序orderly 2清晰clear 3无谬误freedom from error,如she has a logical mind她逻辑思维很强。 推理reason就是指逻辑思考implies logical thinking,如reasoned they must know each other推断他们肯定互相认识)
decisive: may apply to something that ends a controversy, a contest, or any uncertainty: the ~ battle of the war.      contest比赛
determinative: adds an implication of giving a fixed character, course, or direction: the ~ influence in her life.
definitive: applies to what is put forth as final and permanent: the ~ biography of Jefferson.   final最后一个,permanent一直存在,永久的,如UNSC permanent members安理会常任理事国)  
conclusive决定性: 指通过逻辑推理证明使争论探寻得以结束(question提问是一种探寻),decisive决定性: 指结束争议竞争不确定性,determinative决定性: 还表示确定了属性道路方向,definitive终极: 表示作为最终永久
记忆方法: 1)首字母DDDC大大的错<==决定性后果
           2)决定性的意思是使结束mean bringing to an end.